Greg Abbott is Still Out of Control

Greg Abbott is Still Out of Control

Governor Abbott Continues to Act as Tyrant

Robert West | July 25, 2021

Governor Greg Abbott is still out of control; I consider him a Tyrant.

For over a year he’s been making law in violation of the Texas Constitution. The tyrant label is accurate, you can look up the definition on your own.

There are people that agree Greg Abbott overstepped his authority and acted as a tyrant but insist he is no longer doing that.

The tyranny is still going on and the people harmed during the lockdowns that stood up are still being targeted by the state of Texas.

During CPAC, not only did Greg Abbott duck out of his agreement to speak, he ran a phone bank operation to unsuccessfully choose the next Chairman for the Texas GOP. He came within 6 votes of succeeding.

Besides setting aside Article 2 of the Texas Constitution for 8 months, he also suspended or ignored about a third of the Texas Bill of Rights, otherwise known as Article 1.

His List of Violations Continue

Abbott is out of control, our Representatives are ignoring his violations and outside of 14 counties, the GOP is not addressing his violations either.

Let’s take a look at Article 3, Section 62.

Sec. 62. CONTINUITY OF STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS FOLLOWING ENEMY ATTACK. ...Article I of the Constitution of Texas, known as the "Bill of Rights" shall not be in any manner affected, amended, impaired, suspended, repealed or suspended hereby.

ANYONE telling you that the Texas Constitution can be suspended due to a disease is either ignorant or a liar. The founders clearly spelled out that even in the event of armed invasion your GOD given rights were not subject to the whims of man.

That even combat and blood in the streets of Austin did not wash away the government's obligation to guard those liberties, even for a short period.

  • I noted in an earlier article, that prior to the regular session Abbott claimed the power to spend a quarter of a billion dollars without legislative input or authority.
  • Between the regular session and the special session, he claimed another quarter of a billion was his to spend as he saw fit without legislative authority.
  • On June 30th Abbott illustrated again just what he thinks of Texas law, the Texas Constitution and his own oath to GOD. Open Meet­ings Act Sus­pen­sion Updates on June 30, 2021, Governor Abbotts office approved a request by the Office of the Attorney General to lift the suspensions of certain provisions of the Open Meetings Act. The suspensions will lift at 12:01 a.m. on September 1, 2021.

The Mandates Have Been Modified

The mandates are still in full force and in effect, they have only been modified.

Abbott is still acting as a king. Granting “requests” and determining which laws will be in effect and which shall be suspended with no input from the legislature.

Note that by decree Texas will once again be “allowed” to have its laws back but not before September 1, 2021.

Anyone that doubts what I have written can Google the information for yourselves but long-term readers will know that is a waste of time. Unlike Mr. Abbott and a majority of our “representatives” in Austin, I value my honesty.

People who violate the sacred trust we place in their hands are not worthy of the title Texans, nor public servants and hover at the lower ranges of humanity.

The contempt I hold for these people cannot be fully expressed by words. 

My low opinion of them is only slightly less than the voters who are fine with them in office or the Republican officials that refuse to speak against in public.

Greg Abbott is still out of control and there is more we can do…

The Good News

There is always good news so let me share what’s happening across Texas. In the last three months my wife and I have crisscrossed Texas where I've been speaking in front of groups large and small.

We have placed my book, The Five Star Plan, in the hands of Texans from all walks of life. We appreciate each and every person who has purchased this book, as well as everyone that has sent in their reviews.

A special thanks though, is reserved for a special group of people. 

People like Anu Saraf, Paige and Marissa who have stepped up to fill empty Precinct Chair positions in their counties.

These people and more than 100 more like them have told us they are filling empty chairs or running for those positions this year. Two more Texans from Scurry County, Morgan West (no relation) and his friend have agreed to do the same.

Groups like Wise County Conservatives are filling 15-20 of their 27 empty chair positions. 

Wise County GOP might hold the title of “Worst GOP County Chair in Texas," with 27 Precinct Chair positions unfilled. If you live in this county, consider volunteering.  

Reach out to Andy Hopper of Wise County Conservatives.  

None of us can do everything but all of us can do more.

I’m asking you to start doing something by getting five voters that did not vote in the last primary. 

Use my book to train them and make sure they vote in the 2022 Primary Election. Ask them to do the same and keep that group together as it grows. 

This is how we save Texas and the nation.

If good people refuse to get involved in their government it only leaves one group. Never forget that because this is where we are at in Texas. We’re all seeing it, at the local, county and state levels.

Talk to your church family about running for office. 

The government's main purpose is to protect our GOD given rights. If the people of GOD refuse this sacred duty then his gifts will be stolen from HIS people and that will be on us.

Chris Palone and Shelley Luther

I have a special shout out to Chris Palone of the Ft Worth Rail Club and Shelley Luther. These two are still fighting their legal battles and standing against the State of Texas for our rights.

They need your prayers and support because for them 2020 is still going on. Even though they have broken no laws, and harmed no one, they are still being victimized by Abbott’s unconstitutional executive orders.

The career politicians and the bureaucrats are trying to ruin them financially because they know that legally the State of Texas cannot win.

The tactic is to use our money to punish these people. The State of Texas pays attorneys by the year and these people must pay theirs by the hour.

If the State of Texas needs more funds, they take them from us, if these people need more funds they can only work and pray someone will offer help.

So yes, Governor Greg Abbott is still out of control...

I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can in the near future and if your group needs a speaker, reach out. We are only getting started. GOD bless Texas.

Robert West
