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My 1st Book Answers "What Can I Do?"
People are willing, plenty risk their lives to protect and defend our freedoms, but we're not taught how to do that.
As I spoke across Texas, I shared the importance of replacing politicians with patriots. During that time, I uncovered a lot.
TFSP answer the question, "What you can do right now." Robert breaks down the root cause of our problems and identifies how regular people can solve them.
The elites cannot defend against these tactics. This is a step-by-step plan that anybody can use.
We improve our government by voting and getting involved.
Robert West's book, "The Five Star Plan” lays out in clear, specific detail how “we the people” can regain our role in ensuring that our founding fathers’ brilliant plan for life, liberty and individual pursuit of happiness.
The Five Star Plan is a must read for every constitutional conservative with Judeo-Christian Values. But most of all it is not just a book to read. It presents a plan that must be acted upon. We must end the apathy that got us here and begin the action presented by Robert West. We owe it to those who sacrificed their lives to protect our nation and we owe it to future generations.
It’s not that our problems are too complex it is that career politicians from both sides are refusing to fix them and neither side is listening to their actual voters. Before fixing our problems, eliminate the cause, career politicians.
Many Precinct Chair positions sit empty. Across Texas, TFSP has helped fill over 1,000 Republican PC. This guide will show you how to be effective and explain the power they hold so you can make a positive impact.
“The Five Star Plan” is one of the most important books for Texas’ future. Step by step, Robert West lays out how true patriots can and will take Texas back and ensure that Texas does not end up like so many other socialist democrat run cities and states. This book is a how-to manual for protecting and preserving the Constitution and our Founding Fathers’ vision for America.
The Five Star Plan by Robert West is the quintessential “How to” for citizens who are ready to take their first steps toward political action. This book maps the political course for anyone who’s fed up with the current status of our nation, state and local governments and has the desire to implement change. No stone is left unturned, and excuses of political ignorance are extinguished. This is a must read for new and veteran activists.
The Five Star Plan is a must read for anyone that cares about our future as Texans as well as the future of our nation. Now more than ever before we must mobilize to protect our freedom and our constitutional rights. The Five Star Plan will show you how to do that step-by-step.
The Five Star Plan has been an instrumental tool to the conservative group I helped found, Wise County Conservatives. WCC helped activate Republican voters in the county and, with the guidance of Robert West, helped our GOP fill empty precinct seats. This change was desperately needed as our county has been redistricted into a more moderate district and the county Republican Party will need to be fully functional and strong to maintain Republican wins. Now, as a candidate, I also appreciate the functional nature of The Five Star Plan in getting out the vote. I expect our county’s voter turnout to be higher than ever before.
The Five Star Plan is a book for everyone, whether you consider yourself to be political or not. Robert West has a real plan for real people to take our country back from the political machine that has become our ruling class. Every citizen must become engaged to ensure the God given rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness to our posterity. He includes simple, concise action items that are absolutely achievable no matter what area you call home.