Legislative Scoring Guide on Party Platform

Legislative Scoring Guide on Party Platform

Legislative Scoring Guide on Party Platform

Jennifer Yoch | June 6, 2022

When seeking more legislation from congress, regulators, and voting on propositions, there are several things to consider. Hopefully all who hold office would ask these questions regardless of party.

This list of four questions to consider was shared with me in the past. I put my own spin on what I would like to protect when answering these questions. You may have your own interpretation of where these questions lead.

It is a good idea to know your priorities before approaching legislators and voting on your party platform at the upcoming conventions.

The Legislative Scoring Guide

  1. Is it Constitutional?
  2. Is it needed and a priority?
  3. Is it feasible?
  4. Is it affordable?

How to Know if Propositions are Constitutional

1) Does it Protect Life from Immediate Danger? 

  • Unborn
  • Elderly
  • Special Needs Population
  • Children

2) Protect Life from Oneself?

  • If so, does it infringe on rights?
  • Is that acceptable for the betterment of society?
  • To what degree and in which circumstances?

3) Does it Protect Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?

  • Protect freedom from Government oppression?
  • Protect freedom from an agency acting on behalf of the government?
  • Protect freedom from Corporations?
  • Protect freedom from Individuals?

How to Know if it is Needed and a Priority

  1. Is it clarifying a Texas law?
  2. Is it protecting Texans from Federal overreach?
  3. Is it a priority because lives are being harmed? Because livelihoods are being harmed, property is being destroyed or taken from those that rightfully own it?
  4. Is there already a law about this or is it already protected by the Bill of Rights?
  5. Has the Judicial Branch clarified this issue and already made a ruling that needs to be corrected by the Legislative Branch?

How to Know if it is Feasible

  1. Is it creating a need for new government oversight or is there already an entity that regulates it?
  2. Will a new regulation agency need to be created, how will that be created and by whom?
  3. Can those implementing it clearly assess if it is being followed correctly?
  4. Is there an easily definable objective? How will success be determined, and will someone need to report on progress?
  5. Does the Bill of Rights or Texas Constitution prevent the Legislative Branch from ruling on this issue?

How to Know if it is Affordable

  1. Will this law create more work for the Judicial Branch?
  2. Will this law create a new regulation agency?
  3. Will this law create a need to purchase items/services with taxpayer money?
  4. Will this law require schools or other taxpayer funded entities to hire more employees or expend more working hours?

As you work on behalf of those in your community, it’s important to remember that all laws need to be Constitutional.

When legislation is written, the unintended consequences can’t always be predicted, but it is up to responsible citizens and legislators to seek laws with the goal of liberty and freedom for all.

- Jennifer Yoch

Jennifer is a community activist and can be followed on Facebook at Sample Letters to Texas Legislators and Christians Praying for the Rising Generation.
