Sound of Freedom and Texas Politics

Sound of Freedom and Texas Politics

The Sound of Freedom and Texas Politics

Robert West | July 13, 2023

Double the GOP Program

Like millions of others, I watched the movie “Sound of Freedom” last week. I encourage everyone to go see it. A strong male lead with a strong wife and a clear sense of what is right and wrong. Disney, Netflix and several others passed on this project, but it did better than any other movie on July 4th weekend and looks like that will continue.

As we left the theater it occurred to me that like other “causes,” child sex trafficking is merely a symptom, not the disease. I applaud the people that get involved to end property tax, fight vaccine mandates and so many other causes but to me it is like raising money to fight fever, headaches and nausea.

The Real Disease and Committees of Safety

What is the actual disease? The people of the US are not holding their elected officials accountable. The people of the US are not rotating out politicians after one or two terms. The people of the US are forgetting that the nation was not founded upon the principle of defeating the opposing political party but to “create a more perfect union.”

The Five Star Plan seeks to replace politicians with patriots. I seek to empower the voters and to activate the Precinct Chairs. The Precinct Chairs are the direct descendants of the committees of safety and the committees of correspondence. In many ways the unpaid, unsung Precinct Chairs could be the most powerful office in the US, if only they realized and acted upon it.

Across Texas about a third of the Precinct Chairs sit empty. In the last couple of years, working with individuals and organizations my wife and I have managed to recruit and seat about 1,500 precinct chairs. We have over 3,000 more left to fill.

To Solve the Root Cause

If you have any cause, be it taxes, school choice or child trafficking, please join us to solve the root cause. The first step is to contact your GOP County Chair and find out if your precinct has a chair and get their contact information. If you have no chair, volunteer to fill it. If the party refuses to seat you run for the office in the primary next year.

My family has put their lives on the line every generation for as far back as it goes by serving in the military. We are not asking for anything close to that. Precinct Chairs normally meet every three months in rural areas and monthly in most other areas.

Double the GOP Program

My website has a resources page; on that page, you will find “Double the GOP Program.” This program has a checklist and if you think your current Precinct Chair is the best thing since sliced bread you can still help by making calls and finding volunteers in other, empty precincts. If your county has all its chairs filled you can help fill empty seats in other countries, we have no shortage in Texas.

Like Jeanena McQueen-Jolley in Nueces County who stepped forward this month. Jeanena has volunteered to head the “Double the GOP Program” in her county and I look forward to helping in any way I can.

What is expected from a Precinct Chair? They will make calls, knock doors and do what they can to encourage voter turnout. A good precinct chair can expect 20-30 percent greater turnout. Ideally, they will form a precinct team of 20-30 people, sort of a conservative club that does stuff like block walking and working the polls.

In addition, when elected officials thumb their nose at what the people want, these precinct chairs can and should pass formal censures and resolutions against them.

I often get asked if I send out marching orders to the people in these positions and the answer is “No, I build rockets, not guided missiles.” I trust that these people will do the right thing and if not, I trust we will find replacements for them in time for the next election.

Too often people get hung up on making sure a person is “qualified” before they become a PC but a pulse is better than an empty chair and you must mine a lot of ore before you can refine it into gold.

Trump did a great job as President without ever having held an office before and what office is more demanding than that one?

Months Before the Primary

We have 8 more months before the primary election and that is the only one that counts in most of Texas. We need to find so many candidates to run against the swamp that they cannot merely throw a million dollars out to every one of them that are in trouble.

Trump said he would target anyone that voted for the Paxton Impeachment so step up to run against your RINO and guess what? You may be able to get a Trump endorsement. We have a unique situation this time around and 2024 might be the year we drain the swamp, at least in Austin.

GOP counties are passing censures and resolutions against the incumbents, Trump has shared his opinion of which ones have to go and The Five Star Plan will be helping fund insurgent candidates in a way that has never been possible before.

If you are thinking about running for Congress or the Texas Legislature and agree with TFSP, contact us today, there is no time to waste.

Robert West
