Robert and Carole West Endorse Dewey Collier HD5

Robert and Carole West Endorse Dewey Collier HD5

Primary Election 2024

Press Release | Dewey Collier HD5

I am incredibly thrilled to share the news that Robert and Carole West, founders of The Five Star Plan, have decided to offer their endorsement to me and my candidacy for the position of State Representative in HD5.

Like myself, they are staunch conservative Texans with a deep love for our country. The Wests are genuine American patriots, who, like you and I, have dedicated themselves to spearheading an extraordinary grassroots movement. Their mission to inform and motivate ordinary citizens to actively participate in our government, with the ultimate goal of empowering "We the People" to regain control from an excessively intrusive and oversized government is a mission worth the effort!

With a strong track record of community service and a deep understanding of the issues that matter most to our constituents, I bring a fresh perspective and a wealth of ideas to the campaign trail. As a combat Veteran, nurse, husband, and father, I have witnessed firsthand the challenges and opportunities facing our state and am determined to advocate for practical solutions that improve the lives of all residents.

Throughout my campaign, I will be engaging with community members, listening to your concerns, and sharing a vision for a stronger and more vibrant Texas. As an advocate for fiscal responsibility, individual freedoms, and liberty principles, I aim to find common-sense solutions to the challenges facing our great state and House District 5.

Thank you,

Dewey Collier

State Representative for HD5

Reach out: or 254-258-5630

We are proud to support and endorse Dewey Collier for Texas State House, District 5. If you are looking for a God, Family, Country candidate you need look no further than a retired Lt. Col. and a family man that knows how to keep his oath. When Col. Collier makes a promise, he keeps it, to GOD, his wife, his country and to you. That would be refreshing, wouldn’t it?

Robert and Carole West, The Five Star Plan

View all Endorsement Here
