Retaking The Texas GOP Interview

Retaking The Texas GOP Interview

Retaking The Texas GOP Interview

Robert West | April 28, 2021

Republican, Bob Steinhagen will be your host as we talk about Retaking the Texas GOP.  He’s going to be asking the tough questions that I’m ready to answer. 

Warning, there will be no holding back.

The Bunker Bob show covers Rockwall County and he recently finished a video series for their School Board and City Council candidates.  If you live in that county and still need to vote, watch those interviews here.

Bob's show is a great resource, be sure to subscribe.

Perfect Timing Interview

This interview is perfect timing because I just finished our 10-part series on Governor Abbott’s Unconstitutional Mandates. 

If you missed those articles, here's all 10 links for easy access.

14 Counties Have Censured Abbott

As of this writing, 14 counties have already censured Abbott and it’s my hope we can continue to grow that number in the next couple of months.

Why the GOP would put off an Abbott censure after this series is beyond me. One man all by himself broke his oath to GOD, the Bill of Rights/Texas Constitution and to the people. This is unacceptable and the making of a tyrant.  

Incase you may have missed my first interview with bunker bob that can be watched here. This was back in December and a lot has happened since then.

The Five Star Plan Book is available, the website has expanded and our resource page has become very popular with our audience.

Be sure to watch these interviews and please share with your friends and family.  I can’t retake the GOP by myself, The Five Star Plan needs your help.

Let’s begin the process today by working together to Replace Politicians with Patriots.

Robert West
