Harrison County Passes a Resolution to Censure Phelan

Harrison County Passes a Resolution to Censure Phelan

Harrison Passes a Resolution to Censure Phelan

Robert West | July 10,2023

Harrison County Censure Doc

Thursday, July 6th, Harrison County CEC passed a resolution to censure Texas Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan. The vote was unanimous with 17 of the 22 Precinct Chairs participation.

The resolution notes multiple violations starting with Phelan appointing 9 democrat chairs in the 88th Legislative session. This is in direct opposition to both the Republican Party of Texas legislative priorities and 81.24% of Texas Republican Primary voter’s wishes.

These appointments thereby also place Speaker Phelan in violation of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, eighth and ninth core principles of the RPT Platform.

I want to remind those reading that Dade Phelan is the Speaker of the House of Texas. He represents all of Texas not just his district. No where on his title does it say, Dade Phelan, speaker of his district.

I’ve attached their censure and it will be interesting to see how the SREC votes on this. If they pass it, then they will have finally done the right thing. If they fail to pass this then they will prove my point, they do whatever it takes to protect incumbents.

Additional Counties who have reached out regarding the action or taking action of a censure or resolution against Phelan’s include, Angelina, Cherokee, Panola, Tarrant, Wise, Dallas, Travis, Collin and Fort Bend.

Censure was tried in Orange and Hunt County, but the County Chairs shut it down. Citizens of both counties should be looking to replace these County Chairs and any Precinct Chairs who were not willing to stand with the voters over the incumbents.

Harrison County got the job done as they always do. They censured Greg Abbott, Chris Paddie and Senator John Cornyn. The Texas GOPs overall unwillingness to hold the elected accountable has led to almost every elected official violating the party platform in numerous ways, far more than the three required for a Rule 44 Censure.

In my opinion, the Harrison County CEC sets the example of what it means to be bold conservatives in Texas politics. It is my hope others will look to them in the future as an example to be leaders and true Texans.

Doing what is right does not gain you fame and fortune, but it does say a lot about your character.

Robert West
